Day 13

Unlucky for some! It’s 13 days since launch day and I’ve just posted my 13th daily TikTok short video. So, how is it going, so far?

Sales are good. Better than I’d hoped. I’m enjoying the marketing and have settled nicely into my groove on TikTok. Those videos go to Facebook as “reels” two days later (bit of lag, but I started posting there two days after I started on TikTok) and they do less well there, because the Facebook algorithm is less kind.

I’ve just been sending some signed copies out to nearest and dearest, which is a very nice feeling. One beloved friend in particular, who doesn’t do social media and won’t know I’ve published, has been asking to see the draft novel for months years. On the title page, I wrote “Told you I’d send you the book.” Because I did keep telling her I would, but then it never felt ready.

Reader, it never does feel ready. But when you finally hit publish, it’s as ready as it’s ever going to be and there’s no going back after that!

I’m dedicating a few months to marketing book 1, before book 2 comes out, so my sales skills will grow and evolve as time goes on. There’s a pattern for TikTok and I’m getting some good feedback there (which feels *amazing*) but I need something different for YouTube. Longer, more varied. I’m working on it.

All in all, the first 13 days have been fun and I’ve really enjoyed them.

We *still* haven’t done the Audible version, largely because I’m awaiting the cover art from my graphic artist (That’s my youngest daughter – she’s very good!) but as soon as we have that, we’ll be good to go. It’s basically the same art as for the book but it has to be square not rectangular and fit certain other specifications besides.

Our audio files have to go through a quality check, so that’s a bit nerve wracking. But we’re hoping they’ll be okay. If not, we’ll have to tweak them and try again.

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