I’ve spent far too many hours trying to persuade this site to automatically add a default image, for when I post links from it to social media. Couldn’t find it, couldn’t find it, couldn’t do it. Thought it must be me. I built a few WordPress blogs about 10-15 years ago and back then it seemed quite simple. Nowadays, it’s unbelievably complicated by comparison. And why? I found the answer on a forum today.
So. Needless to say, I’m not buying a premium upgrade in order to access a perfectly simple function that was available for free for many years. (And if the free version is unbelievably complicated, what’s the paid one going to be like??!!) Instead, I’ll be manually adding the image of my choice to my social media posts, together with the link.
You can shroud really simple, free or cheap things in professional mystique and thereby charge extra, or you can just be honest. I prefer the old ways, and publishing this book has cost us nothing but the basic domain name and web hosting so far. It’s a good strategy, which we don’t plan to change.